Welcome to AFP Central Ontario

Supporting fundraisers in their career path
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What We Do

AFP is the professional association and global community for fundraisers committed to a code of ethics and standards, education, research, and building the profession. It’s a place for people and organizations dedicated to creating impact through philanthropy.

AFP Central Ontario Chapter is committed to these ideals and to you, your career, and to helping YOU change the world. Join us!

Why AFP?

The Association of Fundraising Professionals empowers individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research, and advocacy.

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Events & Education

No matter where you are in your career, these opportunities to gather and learn with members of your fundraising community provide enrichment and connection.

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Building Your Fundraising Career

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Membership Benefits

Become a member of AFP and be part of your professional and philanthropic community. In addition to receiving resources and opportunities from AFP International, members of the AFP Central Ontario Chapter receive exclusive or discount access to exceptional opportunities for professional development and networking for all levels of experience. These are included in your Chapter dues.

Membership Fees

All AFP Members must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards, promote The Donor Bill of Rights and have been employed by an organization that provides benefits to society

News & Announcements

Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter3 months ago
"Dream big for your cause"

Happy National Philanthropy Day! We started our celebrations early this year, with a gathering of colleagues and donors on Nov 12 at the Sandbox Centre in Barrie.
We are grateful to our three panelists: Philanthropists Mary-Anne Frith, Dean Bell and Jim Burton, who graciously and thoughtfully shared their invaluable perspective and wise advice as we delved into the day’s topic, “Inside the Donor’s Mind”. Thanks also to panel co-hosts Pamela Ross and Sue-Ellen Boyes for their insightful questions.

Another highlight was the presentation of the AFP CO “Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award” to Myles Odlozinski, nominated by Lynn Thomas in recognition of his work to successfully open a community pantry and fridge in downtown Orillia. Linda Daley, a volunteer from the Orillia Community Fridge, accepted the award on Myles’ behalf from Lisa Spinks, AFP Central Ontario Chapter President.
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter3 months ago
Celebrate Philanthropy Day in Central Ontario!
Tuesday November 12, 2024 at the Sandbox Centre in Barrie
8:30 to 11:00 am

"Inside the Donor’s Mind"
Bring your colleagues, board members and volunteers for an inspiring opportunity to gain insights into the philanthropic mindset from individuals who have a long and dedicated practice of personal philanthropy and community giving:
• Mary-Anne Frith is a leader dedicated to enhancing the future of Barrie. Over the past two decades, Mary-Anne has made a profound impact on our community through her philanthropy and volunteer work. She is a founder of Ripple of Kindness Barrie, which has donated more than $800K to local charities since 2016. She is also the Chair of RVH’s Keep Life Wild Campaign and is the Vice-Chair of RVH Foundation’s board of directors.
• When Jim Burton sold his company, he had a clear dream for the next chapter in his life. He wanted to create a “family foundation and a foundation for legacy”. The James A. Burton Family Foundation has made significant impact on community members in Orillia – Jim’s home town – and in communities in Niagara and beyond.
• Dean Bell has actively supported Barrie organizations and initiatives that further community health and well-being for a good long time. The D.V. Bell Foundation furthers this legacy, retaining Dean’s broad vision of community support.

"Youth in Philanthropy Award"
We are delighted to be presenting the 2024 Youth Philanthropy Award to Myles Odlozinski, who is the founder of the Orillia Community Fridge initiative.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/national-philanthropy-day-celebration-tickets-1054987047659?aff=oddtdtcreato
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter4 months ago
A noon-hour opportunity to polish up your research practices!

Linda Caron, CFRE
Unlocking Donor Potential: Prospect Research Webinar
Online: Thursday, October 17, 12:00-1:00 pm

This engaging session will equip fundraising professionals with the skills and strategies to identify and engage potential donors effectively.

Linda Caron's expertise spans donor stewardship, major gift cultivation, and event management. She has successfully organized high-impact fundraising events, bringing together key supporters to raise six-figure donations in record time. Her ability to foster meaningful relationships has resulted in long-term donor partnerships that fuel charitable growth.

Linda is an AFP-certified facilitator and mentor, sharing her knowledge and skills with other professionals to inspire positive change.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/unlocking-donor-potential-prospect-research-webinar-tickets-1021619029017?aff=oddtdtcreator
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter4 months ago
September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is also day for each of us to acknowledge and confront the painful history of colonization and the lasting impacts it has on Indigenous communities. By taking the time to reflect on the injustices they have endured, we can begin to understand the profound importance of Truth and Reconciliation.

Here are resources we hope that you will find useful:

In “One Day’s Pay: A Path to Reconciliation”, AFP Canada has spotlighted the work of One Day’s Pay a grassroots campaign launched on September 30, 2021, the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, to mobilize settlers to meaningfully recognize and commemorate the tragic history and ongoing legacy of residential schools, and to honour their survivors, their families and communities. Their motto: Reflect. Then Act. https://afpglobal.org/news/one-days-pay-path-reconciliation

Orange Shirt Day: Today, we wear orange, because Every Child Matters. #story" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">https://orangeshirtday.org/about-us/#story

Thank you to our AFP members wearing their Orange Shirts today.

If you'd like to support Indigenous-led programming, purchase your Orange Shirt from the Barrie Native Friendship Centre. Here's the link: http://bnfc.tmbranding.ca/

For our Barrie members, there are events at the Spirit Catcher all day. See the attached poster for the details.
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter5 months ago
You deserve the career recognition and satisfaction that comes from earning your CFRE designation! The next application deadine is October 1 - there's time to get your application finished and submitted. Here are more reasons why from CFRE International
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter5 months ago
October is AFP Ethics Awareness Month!
Join us for an online workshop led by Liz Rejman
October 23, 1:00 to 2:00 pm

“But is it Ethical”?
Ethics is one of those areas that you learn more from talking with each other, not through some book or manual. Why? Because good ethical decisions aren’t made when one is forced to quickly respond or react to an ethically questionable situation. They are made when one has had the ability to proactively reflect and contemplate actions and responses.
In this virtual, interaction session, participants will have space to contemplate what they would do in ethically questionable situations.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/but-is-it-ethical-tickets-1014700054177?aff=oddtdtcreator

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