Welcome to AFP Central Ontario

Supporting fundraisers in their career path
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What We Do

AFP is the professional association and global community for fundraisers committed to a code of ethics and standards, education, research, and building the profession. It’s a place for people and organizations dedicated to creating impact through philanthropy.

AFP Central Ontario Chapter is committed to these ideals and to you, your career, and to helping YOU change the world. Join us!

Why AFP?

The Association of Fundraising Professionals empowers individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research, and advocacy.

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Events & Education

No matter where you are in your career, these opportunities to gather and learn with members of your fundraising community provide enrichment and connection.

See Upcoming Events

Building Your Fundraising Career

Seeking great candidates for your organization? Pursuing a rewarding career opportunity? The AFP Central Ontario Job Board is your answer!

View Job Postings

Join Our Chapter Today!

Membership Benefits

Become a member of AFP and be part of your professional and philanthropic community. In addition to receiving resources and opportunities from AFP International, members of the AFP Central Ontario Chapter receive exclusive or discount access to exceptional opportunities for professional development and networking for all levels of experience. These are included in your Chapter dues.

Membership Fees

All AFP Members must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards, promote The Donor Bill of Rights and have been employed by an organization that provides benefits to society

News & Announcements

Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter2 weeks ago
Don't forget!

We have a new webinar this week, free for members and just $10 for non-members!

Join Insurance Advisor, Nicola Burton, to learn about Canada Life My Par Gift - a unique NEW life insurance policy option with BIG benefits for charities.

- Designed for charitable giving
The registered charity receives the payout on death of the insured person.

- Single premium payment
The base amount of life insurance is guaranteed to stay in effect for the insured person’s lifetime once the single premium payment is made.

- Charity owned
As the owner, the registered charity controls the policy.

Join Us on July 16:
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter3 weeks ago
We have a new webinar coming up this month, free for members and just $10 for non-members!

Join Insurance Advisor, Nicola Burton, to learn about Canada Life My Par Gift - a unique NEW life insurance policy option with BIG benefits for charities.

- Designed for charitable giving
The registered charity receives the payout on death of the insured person.

- Single premium payment
The base amount of life insurance is guaranteed to stay in effect for the insured person’s lifetime once the single premium payment is made.

- Charity owned
As the owner, the registered charity controls the policy.

Join Us on July 16: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/canada-life-my-par-gift-webinar-tickets-936564187697
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter2 months ago
We're SO excited to see all the registrations rolling in for our Annual Symposium. Make sure you're on the list and grab your spot!
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter2 months ago
We're thrilled to share registration is NOW OPEN for our annual Spring Symposium!

We've listened to our members and this year, we're going Back to Basics with those hard fundraising skills.

Prepare to learn from fundraising leaders, Paula Attfield and Pamela Ross, who will guide us through two important topics.

First, we'll learn about the Fundraising Narrative - how can we better position administrative expenses and cost ratios when talking to donors or your board?

Second, we'll dive into how to read financial statements, how to calculate cost rations, and the why of that metric.

There will also be a breakout session and plenty of time for networking.

Plan to join us June 10 in Innisfil!

Snag your seat here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/afp-central-ontario-spring-symposium-tickets-908801137667?aff=oddtdtcreator
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter2 months ago
Have you looked at our job board lately?

Georgian College and the University of Toronto are hiring!

Check out the roles here: https://afpcentralontario.ca/career-resources/job-board/jobs/

Georgian College University of Toronto

#hiring #fundraisingjobs
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP Canada Central Ontario Chapter3 months ago
Mark your calendars for AFP Central Ontario's Annual Symposium: June 10 at the Innisfil Idealab & Library!

More details to share soon. We can't wait to learn and network with you!
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